Save at least 50% on your UAT Testing

Sounds too good to be true?

Whenever User Acceptance Testing is done, the most important aspect is to ensure you have documentation on what has been carried out. Have the super users really tested every aspect of a working area – or just the most important aspects?

Automatic process documentation

Screenshots of various steps during the process have traditionally been captured and this is used in a Word or PowerPoint document, but that is not enough. You also need to explain potential errors, so arrows are added pointing to the problem areas. And then you need to create text boxes for the explanation part.

With TestDrive-UAT every step is captured, including the entries and mouse clicks that the users perform. And, you can create “markups” on the screen, adding a little box around the area you want to explain. By assigning priorities to your markups, the feedback becomes even more valuable.


Bonus: Use documentation for compliance purposes

The recordings of work processes can form the basis for compliance documentation whether it be GDPR work process descriptions, ISO process documentation, SOX, HIPAA…

Dynamic project management

Another challenge is staying on top of the whole project: What has been tested? By whom? How did it go? Were any problems detected? Has this been report to the 3rd party solution provider? Etc. etc.

All of this happens automatically when using Qualify for the project management.

Add dashboards to get quick overviews showing the key values, e.g. number of tests performed, how many issues were created, how many tests failed etc.

Copy a setup from environment A to another model to be used for your subsidiary in a different country. Even though you have multiple models in Qualify, you can still have consolidated reporting for your projects, if you want to.

Want to see TestDrive-UAT in action?

Watch this 3-minute introduction: