
Job Scheduling

Do you need a good overview of your IBM i batch jobs?

Dynamic parameters? No problem!

Do you need to prioritize how they are submitted, and do you have a dynamic environment with changing input variables which should help determine when a job should run?

You might have manual routines, e.g. at end-of-day or end-of-month jobs, that need to be completed before jobs can be submitted to batch.

And perhaps you also have jobs on attached entities which you want to control from your IBM i scheduler.

Forecasting helps determine when to add more jobs

By using the forecasting feature, you can make sure that the jobs are scheduled to run at a time where they disturb the users the least.

Get total visibility of all existing jobs which are scheduled to run on one or multiple IBM i entities.

Schedule across platforms

Your job schedule can include jobs running on multiple platforms if you want to.

All this and much more can be handled by the Halcyon advanced job scheduler from HelpSystems.

Graphical overview very efficient

By using the graphical overview it is very quick to determine whether anything went wrong during the night batch process.

The Halcyon scheduling solution can be used independently or as part of the Halcyon proactive monitoring solution which can also cover not only IBM i, but also Windows, AIX and Linux.

Read more here